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South Africas Population Exceeds 60 Million

South Africa's Population Exceeds 60 Million

Projected Growth and Key Demographics

Population Size and Growth

According to the United Nations' latest estimations, South Africa's population has surpassed 60 million, with an estimated 606 million inhabitants as of June 2022. This represents a significant increase from the 55.386 million reported in 2015.

Historical and Projected Growth Rate

In recent years, South Africa has experienced a steady population growth rate, averaging around 1.5% per year. This growth is projected to continue in the coming years, with the population expected to reach 68 million by 2030 and 75 million by 2040.

Immigration and Median Age

Immigration remains a significant factor in South Africa's population growth, although the number of immigrants has declined slightly in recent years. The median age of the population is currently estimated at 28 years, with a relatively young workforce and a growing elderly population.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

The total fertility rate (TFR) in South Africa has declined significantly in recent decades, from 5.6 children per woman in 1990 to 2.2 children per woman in 2022. This decline in fertility is attributed to factors such as increased education, improved healthcare, and urbanization.

Population Distribution

The bulk of South Africa's population is concentrated in urban areas, with major cities such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban attracting migrants and providing employment opportunities. The population density is highest in the Gauteng province, which includes Johannesburg and Pretoria, and lowest in the Northern Cape province.
