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Frank Dehner Pastewka

Pastewka: A Comprehensive Cast Overview

Meet the Actors and Their Roles

Dive into the world of Pastewka, a renowned German comedy series, and discover the talented actors who have brought its characters to life. From the witty Bastian Pastewka himself to the unforgettable supporting cast, here's a rundown of the show's key players:

Bastian Pastewka as Himself

The series revolves around the eponymous comedian, who plays a fictionalized version of himself. Pastewka's sharp wit and neurotic personality drive the show's humor, as he navigates the ups and downs of his personal and professional life.

Sonsee Neu as Anke Engelke

As Pastewka's on-screen wife, Anke Engelke brings a warm and relatable energy to the role. Her character's unwavering support and comic timing add a touch of heart and humor to the series.

Matthias Matschke as Matthias Matschke

Matthias Matschke plays a heightened version of himself, acting as Pastewka's best friend and confidant. With his quirky personality and eccentric outlook, Matschke is a constant source of laughter and support for the protagonist.

Conclusion: A Lasting Legacy

The cast of Pastewka has left an indelible mark on the German comedy landscape. Their exceptional performances have breathed life into the show's characters, creating a hilarious and relatable world that has entertained audiences for over a decade. As the series concludes, its actors will undoubtedly continue to delight fans with their future endeavors, leaving a lasting impression on the world of entertainment.
